What's this all about?

DRAWN2HELP, HELP2DRAW is Neuland's long-term commitment and aid project in the context of "Living Learning".

Our goal:
Everywhere in the world there should be space for visualization, opportunities for understanding and sharing knowledge and experiences.

Wherever people, visions and professional tools come together, wherever spaces are created and new, better realities are developed, that's where you find "Neuland No.One®".
We want to use targeted actions to make this a possibility even in places where the financial resources or infrastructure are lacking – where general conditions may be much worse.

Most importantly, we want to help children and young people who often don't even have the materials or tools to learn. We want to help them visualize a better future and put it into action.

We use our network and our options to support and initiate various types of targeted actions, from donations in kind, to monetary donations, to donations of knowledge and heart and soul.


[Photo credits: Nicolas Verdot]

In July, Nicolas Verdot traveled to Benin to work with the Institute of Cultural Affairs Benin (ICA) to introduce people to visualization techniques and how to work as facilitators. During his week-long workshop, the topic of women's rights was particularly close to his heart. In Africa, women still have a very different position than most of us know. He made it his goal to strengthen women's rights and help them develop their communities in a sustainable way. Despite the fact that it was primarily men who took part in the workshop, the attendees were able to achieve enormous progress in a short time. And as newly minted facilitators, they are now creating space for communication in Benin and Africa, advocating not only for women's rights, but also for education, clean drinking water, and more.

At Neuland, we supported this project with the necessary materials as part of our initiative "Drawn2help, help2draw" – because we believe that every step in the right direction, no matter how small, brings us all closer to the goal. Visualization can provide additional understanding along the way.