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Hello, I’m Mike Rohde.
I have a passion for visualizing, designing and communicating ideas.
I design software, experiences, and services, using a human-centered approach. I seek to understand what users need, so I can design things that are useful and delightful for them.
I’ve written two bestselling books on sketchnoting: The Sketchnote Handbook and The Sketchnote Workbook.
I lead online and in-person workshops that teach people sketchnoting techniques and build their confidence.
I give talks on the power and value of visualization.
I help authors communicate ideas visually in their books. My work appears in the New York Times bestseller, REWORK and REMOTE, The $100 Startup and The Little Book of Talent. I like to communicate ideas through custom illustrations.
I’m founder of The Sketchnote Army, a showcase of sketchnoters and their work from around the world.
I interview interesting visual thinkers to understand what makes them tick on the Sketchnote Army Podcast.
Family man.
I’m a husband and father, happily living and working in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.