I have been working for more than 16 years as a trainer with a focus on „Leadership“, „Management“, „Communication“, „Project Management“, and „Working Methodology“, both in Germany and internationally for various organizations and institutions. These include Tech companies, enterprises, SMEs, international companies, the Junior Chamber Germany, medical companies, hospitals, Junior Chamber International (JCI), Lions Clubs International, the Potsdam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Goethe Institute, ISWA, several foreign chambers of commerce, political organizations as well as various universities and colleges.
As a trainer and lecturer, I have been active in recent years - in addition to many trainings in Germany - in Hungary, Iran, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Cyprus, Morocco, Malta, Spain, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Ukraine, Poland, Croatia, Scotland, Latvia, Uganda, South Africa, Tanzania, Kosovo, China, Egypt, Switzerland, Syria, Mongolia, India, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Lebanon. I can conduct trainings in German and also in English.
As a Bachelor of Business Administration (Steinbeis University) and Executive Master in Energy Management (ESCP Europe), I founded PeHa GmbH with my father more than 22 years ago, which is significantly involved in cleaning, gardening and security services. Since 2018, I have been running the company as sole managing director. I have studied in London, Paris, Berlin, Barcelona, California, Singapore, Madrid, Delhi, Edmonton, and Calgary, among other places. In 2023, I graduated from the Global Executive Master Programme at EADA University in Barcelona and École des Ponts in Paris.
In 2017, I was a member of the Federal Executive Board of Wirtschaftsjunioren Deutschland e. V., where I was responsible for the „Training“ department. I was also a member of the education committee at the DIHK. I was a member of the Potsdam Chamber of Commerce and Industry plenary assembly, where I was involved in the foreign trade and continuing education committees. I served as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the „Stiftung Fachkräfte für Brandenburg“. In 2023, I was awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany for my voluntary work.
The following products are part of my trainer repertoire and are used in every workshop: