As Neuland Ambassador® I recommend ...

When I discovered the profession of being a graphic recorder in 2012, I was an instant Neuland marker fan. In the meanwhile I have tried out many different brands, but always returned to Neuland. Because of the choice in colors (not too many), the choice in different nibs, the fact that they are water based and (very important) can be refilled. You can even replace the nibs. So they last for a long time.

Good tools are essential, in my opinion. This is the set I give to my Flip-over drawing workshop participants. It’s a great set to start with. Outliners (black that you can write over with color almost instantly) in different sizes and with different nibs, are your solid base. A good variety of bright colors can be used for accents and words that must stand out. The grey Neuland No.One® Art is a must-have. It's flexible brush tip makes great shadow lines, making every drawing look that much nicer.

The whole set fits nicely in the little pocket (with room to spare), so you can bring it everywhere with you. When you own this set of markers, it’s just a matter of getting started. Grab a flip-over or stick a nice big piece of paper to the wall and go! Through practice and experience, you will see that you can make a lot of progress in a short time.

Enjoy :)

Ambassador kit

#title_default title
PenPouch XL
Sale price

excl. VAT

#title_default title
RefillOne Ink, Outliner, permanent
Sale price

excl. VAT

#title_default title
#title_default title
#title_default title
#title_default title
Neuland FineOne® Outliner, round nib 1 mm
Sale price

excl. VAT

#marker-farbe wählen_101 grau
#marker-farbe wählen_200 rot
#marker-farbe wählen_301 türkis
#marker-farbe wählen_401 hellgrün
#marker-farbe wählen_500 brillantgelb
#marker-farbe wählen_600 orange
#marker-farbe wählen_703 dunkelviolett
#marker-farbe wählen_801 goldocker