Moderatus® 1/15, Stick-It

Moderatus® 1/15, Stick-It

All the core essential workshop materials you could need for up to 15 participants in a 1-day training session all conveniently organized and put together for you!With Stick-It Cards!
Sale price

excl. VAT

$214.65 *
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Item no.: 8040.1511
Availability: Available
Shipping: Parcel shipment
Barcode: 4054477080894

Moderatus® 1/15, Stick-It

The Moderatus® 1/15 materials are packaged inside a reusable cardboard case with a convenient handle for easy transportation. With our Stick-It Cards! 

Technical details: 
Weight: 4.5 kg / 8 lbs 
W 17.7 x D 11 x H 6 inches / W 45 x D 28 x H 15 cm